rentrez - 'Entrez' in R
Provides an R interface to the NCBI's 'EUtils' API, allowing users to search databases like 'GenBank' <> and 'PubMed' <>, process the results of those searches and pull data into their R sessions.
Last updated 4 years ago
13.40 score 198 stars 91 dependents 812 scripts 14k downloadsmmod - Modern Measures of Population Differentiation
Provides functions for measuring population divergence from genotypic data.
Last updated 8 years ago
8.14 score 11 stars 2 dependents 116 scripts 1.2k downloadspafr - Read, Manipulate and Visualize 'Pairwise mApping Format' Data
Provides functions to read, process and visualize pairwise sequence alignments in the 'PAF' format used by 'minimap2' and other whole-genome aligners. 'minimap2' is described by Li H. (2018) <doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty191>.
Last updated 4 years ago
7.20 score 71 stars 1 dependents 75 scripts 307 downloads